Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Victims

Kalavati, a poor woman from land of Shivaji, she is the victim of bad governance and irresponsibility of BABUS. Whose name was much hyped during the election, when our young future prime minister toured that land. Today she was crying in front of government to waive of her debts. Our young future prime minister had promised her everything at the time of election, but I think her dreams will be dreams. Great people have said you know how to live your dreams, and here is best example of how to live your dreams as if you can feel it by yourself. Yeah it’s nonetheless but the Indian government who always works for poor, by filling their pockets with the money for the poor. I would say Indian constitution should change to “Of the Govt, For the Govt and to the Govt”. She has only one chance if the famous K producer a make s TV serial “kahani kalavati ki” and give some royalty to her. Problem is here too as when Indian producer copy something it is always a coincidence.

Now again the crown valley of India is thrilled, this time not by terrorists but by the girls coming out and showing their anger to the government, again they stated that it’s inhuman what happened with 2 girls in a district 50 km’s away. I know that’s not these girls wanted to do, but they were highly misguided by the most radical group which is active in the valley. What happened to the intellectual of this country, when a famous terrorist group attacked fellow Indians, they did take responsibility of attack, but no it was not against humanity as if they had written the humanity books themselves. I do not want to blame girls as they have the pure heart, the only problem they have which doesn’t allow them to understand the cruel human nature even though they try to understand but always overridden by the emotions. Every body talk about the victim but nobody wants to talk about crown pandits. They are not minority as they belong to a specific religion. May be they are not minority because today their children won’t believe they are from the crown valley. When a trust wants to build a facility for travelers, they say it is effort of making the colony of specific religion. This is called secularism. Where minority means vote bank. Religion means a statistical data.

I think Indian govt should publish a cookbook “How to crash a fighter jets”. Yes I am referring to the incident yes it’s not an accident, as we are adapted to such accidents which happened today and happens now & then. You know they protect us from external enemy, but there is no one to protect them from internal enemy. I don’t know why we always face such technical failures when we have so many engineers with vast range of expertise. These failures had taken lives of many in the past. Some looses their son, some looses their husband, some their father and some their only ray of hope. But alas, our government never heard their cry, as they had taken the oath not to hear the cry. Yes I think that’s the oath which they take every 5 years, not to hear any of public grievances.

What can be worse for world champion after exit from the T20, they are fined for slow over rate. It may be BADDUA of the Indian student. They are victim of so called urban violence and now AUSSI prime minister has warned them. They are very sensitive to racism. Once when a spinner gave ma k gali (our greatest batsman said that) they took him to highest panel. Now when they are hurting others, AUSSI police is arresting Indian student only. There should be some connection between AUSSI police and bollywood police. May be these days AUSSI are watching too much hindi movies. They are also arresting the victims.

I am the victim of fights of my room mates. As both of them want me take their side. I have to take side of any one of them; otherwise they will unite against me. This is the small model of international politics.

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